You've signed up to join the AUTHENTICALLY YOU WORKSHOP with Nadia Jacobson I'm sending you an email with more details which will probably enter the thicket of your Promotions folder. Please move it to your inbox!
Congrats! I can't wait to help you write about yourself in a way that feels authentic and will attract your ideal clients.
If you've joined the list to hear about future workshops, I'll keep you in the loop.
If you've signed up for a workshop in June, please make payment to secure your place. If paying in NIS, USD, AUD or GBP, click here.
If paying in other currencies, send me an email and I'll give you my "local" bank account details for your country. This workshop will not be recorded. Each of you will be writing, sharing, and revising your personal copy, and I respect your privacy.
Following the workshop, you'll receive a link for a bonus half-hour one-on-one session with me to tweak your wording, redeemable within one month of the workshop.